Asia Dining
皇庭V酒店V Café全日制餐厅——“蟹意蚝情”海鲜盛宴
又是一年大闸蟹横行霸道的季节,皇庭V酒店带你品尝肥美蟹膏,肉感秋蚝。位于酒店26楼的V Café全日制西餐厅全力搜罗美食,与鹏城食客分享新鲜美味,10-12月特别推出“蚝情蟹意,鲜味食足”海鲜自助大餐。还有现场制作各款精美寿司、刺身等日式料理;在铁板烧区域,更可享用各款进口扒类及串烧。自助大餐美食列队,总有一款能满足你!

自助午餐 尊享买一送一
周六~周日 RMB308+15%
营业时间:11:30- 14:00
自助晚餐 尊享六折优惠
周一~周日 RMB328+15%
营业时间:18:00- 21:00

自助午餐 尊享买一送一
周一~周五 RMB268+15%
营业时间:12:00- 14:00

V Café全日制餐厅位于皇庭V酒店26楼,提供24小时全天候用膳服务。开阔的落地窗为您提供了观赏城市美景的绝佳角度。时尚的环境,休闲的氛围,伴着各式中式佳肴、东南亚特色菜及西餐食品,让人尽享无以伦比的放松和惬意。开放式的厨房设计为您展开食物的烹饪过程,现代时尚的自助风格可使您体验多样选择的用餐乐趣。
Featuring interactive kitchen stations, 24-hour V Café serves tantalizing specialties and favorites from China, Southeast Asia and Western Country. Our buffet is alll about gourments of health and creativity! And it is just the place to enjoy the outdoor charming landscape of Shenzhen with families and friends. You are more than welcome.
The Ultimate Buffet of Crab and Oyster
Wongtee V Hotel prepares an ultimate buffet in this golden season . We offer the best-quality meats and fresh seafood selections, and also a rainbow of desserts. Our new themed buffet is about gourments of health and creativity. It is just the food exploration for food lovers!
Lunch Buffet RMB308+15%
Open Time:Sat.-Sun. 11:30am - 2pm
*Enjoy “Buy one get one for free”.

Dinner Buffet RMB328+15%
Open Time:Mon.-Sun. 6pm- 9pm
*Enjoy 40% off discount.
Global Seafood Feast
Open Time: Mon.-Fri. 12pm- 2am
*Enjoy “Buy one get one for free”.